Monday, February 3, 2025

Who Owns Morale?

 I came across this quote recently…and really appreciated it on many levels. 


A long held frustration of mine is when I hear…’morale is really bad.’ Morale is comprised of all of us. 

Yet, as leaders- it is our duty to lead the charge on morale. 


How can we? 


Gentlemen, enlisted men may be entitled to morale problems, but officers are not… I expect all officers in this department to take care of their own morale. No one is taking care of my morale.” ~General George C. Marshall


What are you doing to lead yourself for remaining positive- and upbeat?


Intentionality wins the day. 


If you are struggling with ideas to feed your own morale…this idea has resonated with me. 


As I have shared before, I am a big Jon Gordon fan. As JG was on his ‘positivity’ journey, he incorporated ten minute ‘Gratitude Walks’ into his daily routine. 


Perhaps you have other ideas on how you lead yourself in generating positive – infectious morale. If so, I would love to hear them. 


If you are struggling with any ideas…start with the Gratitude Walk. (And while you are at it…begin to chart/ measure your progress. 😊 ) 


I am always in your corner. Win the Day. I am here if you need anything. Take care – pja


*46.34 Seconds to Read.

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